1.  Fighting broke out _ what Canadian history books call the Northwest Rebellion of 1885 and what the Metis call the Northwest Resistance.

2.  Expert birders who have seen the book call it a must-have guide for anyone interested in birds.

3.  For copper napkin rings, Brown's book calls for 2-inch piping rings.

4.  Get a book called 'Shipping News' and look at the way she writes."

5.  Guide books call them charming.

6.  He had written a Christian parenting book called "Home Field Advantage" published by Multnomah Publishers, a Christian book company in Sisters.

7.  He was also the author of several books, including "TV Zeitgeist" and a book of poetry called "Bears."

8.  Hillary Clinton wrote a book called "It Takes a Village," a title that displayed a disturbing preoccupation with small social groups.

9.  His book calls for policy changes to lower the incidence of traumatic brain injury.

10.  I have been reading a wonderful book called "Freeing Shakespeare's Voice," by the voice teacher, actor and director Kristin Linklater.

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