1.  Anyone who has driven the back roads this fall knows that the farmer markets are loaded with pumpkins.

2.  Driving a back road, we stopped to admire the checkerboard view of vineyards from the top of Menglers Hill and promptly got lost.

3.  Dull on the freeway, frumpy around town, uninspiring on back roads.

4.  Editors Chuck and Rodica Woodbury travel the back roads of 11 western states and report on who and what they find.

5.  Either way, the bounty of Texas' back roads is there for the taking.

6.  Entering the Palestinian-ruled city by back roads, the soldiers were not stopped by the Israeli roadblocks turning back Israeli citizens because of the tensions.

7.  Even in a morning rain, people kept coming down the winding back road to stare at the space where the oak once towered 109 feet.

8.  Farther down the road, at two more farms occupied by the tax protesters, men in pickup trucks scrutinized another car that ventured down the lonely back road.

9.  Even with the terrorists attacks, the mayor doesn't envision National Guardsmen posted on street corners or state troopers patroling back roads.

10.  Filiberto, squirming beneath my feet, is a veteran undocumented worker from Navojoa, Sonora, who also is familiar with southern Arizona's back roads.

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