1. At a certain point some break out.
2. At a certain point, "Melrose Place" was perfectly in sync with the Zeitgeist.
3. At a certain point, height does not even make financial sense.
4. At a certain point, height does not even make financial sense; it's worth it for the prestige.
5. Each was carrying 30 South Vietnamese militiamen who were to be landed at a certain point.
6. Finally, after a certain point, the movie fades out and a title informs that four years have passed.
7. For instance, you can instruct System Doctor to automatically run Norton Speed Disk when your hard drive's fragmentation level reaches a certain point.
8. For obvious reasons, government shutdowns aren't popular, so politicians can only use them as leverage to a certain point.
9. Gaston, meanwhile, received a bonus of more than $324,000 on top of his $1 million salary because profits exceeded a certain point.
10. Goldman's response: "At a certain point you have to confront the realities of scaling up.