81.  Dole, who has been listless in some campaign joint appearances, gave little quarter to his critics this time around.

82.  Dennis and his brother gave blood samples for testing to determine if they are suitable marrow donors.

83.  Dr. David Diamond, a staff doctor at MIT whose specialty is occupational medicine, gives monthly lectures about how to prevent repetitive strain injury.

84.  Dr. Garde gave the example of his 5-year-old son, who has a Mexican nanny.

85.  Desormeaux, who once virtually owned Maryland racing as a hot apprentice jockey, gave a masterful ride, despite having to start in the far outside post.

86.  Despair over the ill effects that the nation's economic slowdown was having on corporate earnings gave way to euphoria that Greenspan would once more save the day.

87.  Drake gave the credit to McPeek.

88.  Dr. Ryan Huxtable, a professor of pharmacology at the University of Arizona, gave a mixed assessment.

89.  Dramatically meaningful moments in these duets sometimes gave way to sequences that appeared to exist simply to show off the dancers' skills (which were considerable).

90.  Dreamworks individuals gave $108,300 to Democrats and $4,500 to Republicans.

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