71.  Even if two women had the same risk factors for breast cancer, one might develop the disease while the other would not.

72.  Fatiha Serour, a senior adviser on women's issues to the U.N. special representative Lakhdar Brahimi, said women had to coordinate better in order to be effective.

73.  Ferraro went so far as to assert that women have a whole different way of approaching political problems.

74.  Feminist movements in Latin America are comparatively weak and poorly organized, so the women have had to develop a sharper defensive instinct.

75.  Even the Christian Coalition of Massachusetts weighed in, saying women can't have careers and children at the same time without trade-offs.

76.  Few women have the coloring to wear black against their faces, yet black is a key neutral.

77.  Few women have the sheer size to compete with men for most positions at the college level.

78.  Fewer women today have the free time to sew or the desire to tackle such a complex undertaking, said Victoria Bowman, merchandise manager for Butterick Patterns.

79.  Eventually, she said, the women had guidelines for schedules and practices, restrictions, and more funding.

80.  Finally, after eight years of presenting seminars across the country, the two women had an inch-thick folder of handouts.

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