71.  Any trade won't be Johnson's equivalent, of course.

72.  Any widening of the U.S. trade deficit caused by the dollar's strength would also risk undermining the U.S. currency.

73.  Customs duties and perhaps other taxes would be set lower than in the rest of Russia in order to stimulate international trade.

74.  Cutting off trade contact "is wrong," Clinton said.

75.  Democrats are insisting that the trade and human right measures must be considered together in one package.

76.  Despite America's incredible prosperity, trade policy still runs like a huge geologic fault through the Democratic party.

77.  Despite China's record on nuclear proliferation, unfair trade practices and human rights abuses, Clinton has "catered to them in every way," Pelosi said.

78.  Democrats pointed to those letters to argue that Bush did not share their concerns about labor and environmental standards and should not be given unfettered trade authority.

79.  Despite speculation about trades or a coaching change, Colin Campbell was still behind the Rangers' bench and the same players were still sitting on it.

80.  Despite such irritations, international agreements and trade have in many ways superseded the border.

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