61. Depending on the Internet speed and services selected, pricing can vary.
62. Domestic gross profit margin as a percentage of merchandising sales and services rose to 26.1 percent from 25.6 percent, in part because of higher margins on clothing sales.
63. Deposits will continue to rise as Argentines regain confidence in the economy and banks make services more accessible, he said.
64. Don Randall, the minister who holds services every Sunday morning for a handful of drivers in his trailer truck, welcomes the initiative.
65. Dresser Industries is an oilfield services company based in Dallas.
66. Drifting containers made rescue difficult, news services reported, and eventually the bow section went under carrying some 1,100 containers into the Atlantic deep.
67. Drug companies and chiropractors want reforms to increase use of their products and services.
68. Driving demand for services is the current shortage of high-tech workers, says Dataquest's Christopher.
69. Despite recessions in many developing countries, core Dutch clients continue to demand services abroad, Tilmant said.
70. Dow Jones, which also provides business information services electronically, hasn't settled on a supplier of general and sports news.