51. As a result, Waisnor has arranged for two main electric power feeds to its space, in different parts of the building.
52. For example, a MediaBridge customer such as the electronics retailer Circuit City may publish different advertising circulars in different parts of the country.
53. Fifteen human beings have been burned to death in different parts of the country by mobs.
54. For instance, a person watching a basketball game could independently focus on different parts of the game and replay any action chosen.
55. For the most part, Revco and CVS operate in different parts of the country.
56. Fourteen racially diverse suburbs in different parts of the country have joined to share what appear to be successful strategies for closing the gap.
57. For whatever lack of justice or judgment, for whatever failure of policy, these different parts are not getting along in ways they should.
58. Friends who worked for the same chain in a different part of town averaged about $15 a day in tips, despite working part time.
59. Fortunately, a second entrance far ther west _ it branches into three different tunnels going to different parts of the cave _ found more stable rock.
60. Fourteen racially diverse suburbs in different parts of the country have joined to share successful strategies for closing the gap.