51.  Despite the example of Tiger Woods, this is how the young golfers are supposed to find their way on the PGA Tour.

52.  Despite the Federal Aviation Administration's endorsement of ValuJet's safety, Boyd said, "the question is whether people will believe they're safe.

53.  Dad Keith, who works for the power company, is what Brooke calls a "typical biker guy.

54.  Daddy knew she would _ that's what he did to make an important point.

55.  Daddy missed his fishing buddy and the neighborhood kids missed Sprinkles, which is what we had dubbed the leaky babe.

56.  Despite the anomie and exhaustion, the Wuppertal productions have never trafficked in anger, and maybe that's why they've been able to outpace the despair.

57.  Denver might be giving him his chance at a second straight Super Bowl ring, but Cleveland is where he found romance.

58.  Despite their differences, all these constituencies can agree that voluntary outreach services are exactly what the homeless need.

59.  Despite their prodigious efforts, Jennifer can't get pregnant, which is what she wants most of all _ aside from having sex all over the place.

60.  Denying that his intent was to kill the Shays-Meehan bill, he said, "Purity and honesty today is what we are all about."

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