41.  Although rooms remain, business travelers who think they might have a lodging need in Atlanta next summer should make plans now.

42.  As a new century dawns, renowned business thinker Charles Handy asks: What would Tocqueville think if he returned today?

43.  For instance, what would they think Jesus' position is on affirmative action?

44.  For one thing, why would anyone think that a government investigation of a government conspiracy would uncover the truth?

45.  For smart people or those who think they are smart:

46.  For that matter, who would have thought the National League West champion Padres would be in last place and the San Francisco Giants would be in first?

47.  For readers who think they know the Bible, the effect is often like hearing the text for the very first time.

48.  For the reader who thinks the rodeo might be as romantic as an old Judy Collins song, here is the antidote.

49.  For those inquiring minds who think mud baths are for pigs and ducks only, try it.

50.  For those of us who think Selig overreacted with his Rocker suspension, Stewart's answer was, "The commissioner absolutely did the right thing here.

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