41.  Are the doctors giving her the runaround?

42.  Are women giving up on finding suitable mates?

43.  Each household in an area would be giving a rating based on their potential to buy specific products and services.

44.  Each New York child is being given a pair of cowboy boots, leather gloves, a disposable camera, a duffel bag and clothes.

45.  Don's been giving him walkovers.

46.  Edwards was having fun sharing a bit of clubhouse gallows humor, knowing he was not exactly giving away the secrets to the A-bomb.

47.  Eddie Vedder, on the other hand, is giving you grunge all the way, laid-back, apathetic youth.

48.  Ed Victor, Ms. Jong's literary agent, is giving her party at his home in Water Mill.

49.  Employees in the job reduction announced Wednesday are being given 45 days to sign the waiver forms if they want to receive "enhanced severance payments."

50.  Elsewhere on Capitol Hill, three other members of the Fed's policymaking Open Market Committee were giving their views on the current economy before the House Banking Committee.

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