41. As for the uneven color, it could be that a different batch of grout was used in different parts of the floor.
42. Every couple of months when Bill's parents came to visit, he would give them a tour of a different part of the city.
43. England is emerging as a high-technology leader in virtual reality technology, with three publicly-traded companies focusing on different parts of the market.
44. Every morning, following breakfast, we set out on horseback for a different part of the estancia, helping Jane and the gauchos herd cattle or check fencing.
45. Federal appeals courts with jurisdiction over different parts of the country disagree about the issue.
46. Few other developers can manage so many massive and expensive projects in different parts of the country all at once.
47. Ever worked on a really long document in Microsoft Word and become frustrated when you had to scroll up and down to see different parts of it?
48. Finally, different parts of a plant or different methods of preparation can yield different effects.
49. Foods placed on the seder plate, and discussed during the meal represent different parts of the historical drama.
50. Feminist theologians in different parts of the world are raising a variety of issues _ class, race and even ecclesiastical issues, she said.