41.  As explained in the Dictionary of the Modern United States Military, the "D" stands for day or date.

42.  April 2: Kansas (R and D), Minnesota (D)

43.  April 9: Virginia caucus (D)

44.  Design service houses like CAD/4D are doing a thriving business helping clients like Port Authority create their computer visualizations.

45.  Donna Karan's new collection, called D, came with a press kit explaining the moniker: "Delivers.

46.  D's and failing grades accounted for less than 1 percent each.

47.  D's are usually bad news, except in the case of the Charles, which was nearly dead from pollution a quarter century ago.

48.  Detroit will play D and will have the best player on the floor.

49.  DINING (Moved in "d" category) ZINFANDELS (Undated) _ Zinfandel has never been respected as a serious wine.

50.  DINING (Moved in 'd' category) WINE-MAKING (Undated) _ It's home wine makers' busy season.

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