41.  As a result, it is sometimes difficult to tell whether one is looking at a public space or a wide spot in the sidewalk.

42.  As a result, it is still relatively new for lesbians to have magazines of their own.

43.  As a result, it was unclear whether analysts who own shares in a company they follow through such a fund would be required to divest that holding.

44.  As a result, it's about as scary as an episode of "The Simpsons."

45.  As a result, it's easier to predict how much the price will change with variations in interest rates.

46.  As a result, it's impossible to track how much money law enforcement has diverted from schools.

47.  As a result, it's nearly impossible to download anything from them.

48.  As a result, it's probable that "cocktails" of different inhibitors will be needed to control tumors.

49.  As fine as these stars are, it is hard to imagine them putting in a better turn than Charlotte Gainsbourg and William Hurt.

50.  Earlier in the process, it was not nearly so certain that the case against King was going to be this easy.

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