31. As a result, the October and December futures contracts are trading at about the same level as the April contract.
32. For the full year, Martini said he expects operating profit to be about 1.1 billion marks, the same level as in 1994.
33. For the Navy, the chance to keep its force at the same level while removing the 24 giant C-4 nuclear missiles presents vast new opportunities.
34. For those Palm V owners who don't possess quite the same level of fearlessness, a company in Sunnyvale, Calif., will do the job for you.
35. For 1999 taxes, the California limit will rise to $19,000, the same level for deductions on federal tax returns.
36. For the remaining six months of the study, patients maintained the same level of exercise.
37. Forty-four percent of respondents said they thought the anti-abortion advocates in their states were extremists, the same level as in 1989.
38. For instance, beef has about the same level of cholesterol as skinless roasted chicken.
39. For me they are both on the same level."
40. Friedman says the employees are wrong and maintains that 30 percent of store merchandise is designer clothing, the same level it has always been.