21.  As a result, analysts are saying the fourth quarter is also likely to be strong.

22.  Apple Computer is not saying anything official yet about OS 8.6, but the Internet is filled with news about it.

23.  Dole will be saying that Clinton is not what he seems to be."

24.  Despite a generalized pessimism, analysts are still saying there are some German stocks to buy.

25.  Despite the obvious hurdles, US military officials have been saying they are increasingly confident they will find bin Laden.

26.  DiCicco wasn't saying what formation he'd use _ he was leaning toward a 3-5-2 to provide depth and flexibility in the midfield.

27.  Dick Gephardt was saying very quietly, "We need to recess for 15 minutes.

28.  During the course of the game, Al McGuire was saying, 'Well, so and so got in and this team didn't.'

29.  During this week's debate, legislators from all parties were saying that Turkey needs more press freedom.

30.  Each is saying to the bush, "I am here, and this is who I am."

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