21. It ignores the fact that by the 1990s urban Bosnia had a cosmopolitan society with a large degree of intermarriage.
22. Its focus on outpatient care and less hospital treatment is, to a large degree, what has forced the VA to close most of the buildings.
23. It's no wonder the computer models, based to a large degree on underlying trends in the economy and an outdated division of American politics, proved faulty.
24. Its success depends to a large degree on federal spending for Medicare and other programs, which send money to local hospitals.
25. Losing affects anyone to a large degree, but I'm not going to not smile.
26. Nanotech researchers are motivated to a large degree by the fact that the technology used to make today's integrated circuits is fated to hit a wall.
27. Now to a large degree, they are marketing companies that manage merchandise licenses and look to movies and TV for a boost.
28. On Sunday, that reputation will either be enhanced or, to a large degree, erased.
29. Once these troops have left, he said, "to a large degree some of the complicating factors will have gone."
30. Organized labor is a creature of industrial society, and to a large degree we're getting beyond industrial society.