21.  As a consequence, it could buy the company that it had earlier spun off without assuming any additional cost or risk.

22.  As a consequence, our taxes buy less today because a bigger share of them is consumed each year in paying interest on that debt.

23.  Dell has long targeted more sophisticated customers who are likely to buy more high-end machines where profit margins are somewhat higher.

24.  Dell officials regularly note in conference calls with analysts the growing popularity of Linux among Internet companies who buy its servers.

25.  Dell only makes computers after customers order them, rather them building the machines first, shipping them to retailers and hoping consumers will buy.

26.  DELLA REESE: ACTING WITH A PURPOSE (This "separate buy" article is from this week's PageUp Lifestyle and Entertainment Package.)

27.  Deregulation in India would let Capital and its unnamed partner buy time slots on radio stations overseas rather than buying channels.

28.  Despite Allen's $20 million option to buy the franchise by July 1997, fans have not returned to embrace the potential owner.

29.  Delphi to buy Lucas Diesel from TRW, Inc.

30.  Delta Air Lines declined to comment on a report it is discussing an accord under which it would buy all its planes from Boeing Co.

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