21.  Although the authors say the report is "written for the non-technical reader," it's chock full of numbers and seemingly contradictory evidence.

22.  Although much of the American landscape may look lush and green today, the authors say, this is in many cases deceiving.

23.  As the author once said, "Compression is everything."

24.  As the author says, Susanna's Stratford epitaph records that she was "witty above her sexe, but that's not all."

25.  As Victoria Moran, a Kansas City-based author says, "Wouldn't you miss going into the store and smelling all those smells?"

26.  He studied in London and the experience was both disappointing and exciting, the best-selling author says today.

27.  Here's what the authors say:

28.  However, the authors said there was little risk of increased death among those who took beta blockers and other drugs for high blood pressure.

29.  However, the authors said they excluded any accidents about which there was a question.

30.  However, the author of the bill, Vargas, said his goal was not to curtail rights.

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