11. Did you know that polls show there are more young people who believe in UFO's than believe they'll ever get Social Security benefits?
12. Despite renewed efforts across the country to educate teen-agers about sex and repercussions like pregnancy and disease, many young people say they still need more information.
13. Despite the national drive toward smoke-free workplaces, airplanes, and restaurants, the percentage of young people who are smoking is on the increase.
14. David E. Smith, founder of the Haight Ashbury Free Clinic, said he's convinced that heroin dealers are targeting young people as aggressively as cigarette makers have.
15. Despite their haziness about goals, young people have some financial sophistication.
16. De la Hoya often goes back to East L.A. to speak to young people in schools about the importance of education, personal empowerment and self esteem.
17. Discretion, they said, should be exercised by individuals, and guidance for young people should be provided by parents.
18. Do more young people actually die out here, or do we hear about and feel the losses more readily because we are a close community?
19. Do you know where your young people are?
20. Do you know what the reaction of the young people was?