11. In a fight that required toughness and talent, Felix Trinidad displayed large degrees of both on Saturday night.
12. In fact, long-term competitiveness depends not on exchange rates but on productivity growth, which in turn depends to a large degree on good domestic policy.
13. In the older teaching hospitals of the Northeast, the costs have been borne, to a large degree, by the hospital.
14. In New Orleans, Salt Lake City, or anywhere else I've been in the past month or so, I could be dispassionate to a large degree.
15. In the Spanish Republic of the 1930s, the Basques exercised a large degree of autonomy.
16. In this one, we send up 'Scream 1,' to a large degree."
17. It also, to a large degree, happens to be the truth.
18. Isn't that what the lockout, to a large degree, was about?
19. Indeed, the Most Group's cash flow depended to a large degree on one man: Yuri Luzhkov, the mayor of Moscow.
20. It certainly isn't going to affect the Japanese economy to any large degree."