101. Although the newly elected mayors realize that they must speak cautiously, many ordinary people feel no such constraints as long as they are promised anonymity.
102. Asked why, Zhou paused a moment before answering: "Ordinary people may have a hard time putting it into words.
103. As the political jockeying continued, so did the suffering of ordinary people.
104. He said his "different kind of presidential campaign" included raising money from ordinary people rather than political action committees of special interest groups.
105. Her book is plainly and competently written, directed not at policy wonks or the literati but at ordinary people with ordinary concerns.
106. Hers is a world of ordinary people living in rickety apartment buildings surrounded by hookers, crackheads, homeless people and baby-faced killers.
107. Here there were the names of those ordinary people who'd built them _ Head, Cooper, Kincaid, Cole, McMahan.
108. Here, in 150 works, a style now called Baroque unfolds, brimming with intense emotion, powerful drama and lush enjoyment of nature and ordinary people.
109. His aim will be to be more positive and to reach out to more ordinary people."
110. His ability to reach the hearts of ordinary people with simple humor led to comparisons with Jerry Lewis.