91.  Although Ike won a few primaries, starting with New Hampshire, those elections were far less important than they are today.

92.  Anyhow it is true that there are some polls showing that the people approve of the government a little bit less than they used to.

93.  Democrats, for their part, say Republicans are planning to spend less time on Medicare than Congress usually devotes to routine issues.

94.  Democrats, moderate Republicans and many State Department officials who have tangled with Helms over the years say that Helms has been less ferocious as chairman than they expected.

95.  Despite frequent tuition increases, college in Canada remains a great deal more affordable than south of the border even before the weak Canadian dollar is factored in.

96.  Despite giving in to a heavier emphasis on incentives, Wells corralled more money than the Yankees expected to pay for him when the free-agent process began.

97.  Despite her medical salary and more than a half-dozen product endorsement contracts, she makes less in one year than Tiger Woods can make in one putt.

98.  Demonstrating higher achievement at less cost may not be impossible, but is more difficult than it once seemed.

99.  Dempsey's record fish is literally better than a one-in-a-million shot.

100.  Dennehy and Connie Britton, as Sophie, will no doubt make this better than it sounds.

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