91.  As an express carrier, FedEx comes under the supervision of the Railway Labor Act.

92.  As assistant principal Toni Wilson says, Chandler came to Dominguez "as a celebrity."

93.  During the late 1980s, nearly one-third of Radio Shack's business came from the computer sector.

94.  During the second day of my ordeal, my youngest son came into my bedroom to check on me.

95.  During the war Mary's half-sister Emilie came to visit.

96.  During the week, 95 percent of his action came on the scout team.

97.  During the years, more immigrants came to metro Detroit to escape wars and persecution and to build a better life.

98.  During these hearings, when anyone mentioned the possibility of sanctioning gay marriages, audible gasps came from the crowd.

99.  Especially for Gretzky, whose only points came on two assists against the lowly New York Islanders on Wednesday.

100.  Even in baseball, good things come to those who can afford to wait.

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