91.  As a devout Muslim, he had very strict rules, and he held Fariba, who had been more liberal than he was, to the same standards.

92.  Derycke called for a "big step forward" toward qualified majority voting on all matters, preventing lone countries from holding the 15-nation EU hostage.

93.  Desc plans to sell 19.89 million Series C shares, which were held previously in the company's treasury.

94.  DeShaun Foster no longer will have to answer questions about holding onto the ball.

95.  Deshmukh, whose Congress Party narrowly holds office in a fractious coalition government, faces unpopular choices.

96.  Despite economic reality creeping deeper into his pocket, Jacobs figures he'll hold on, at least for now.

97.  Currently foreign investors are limited to buying a maximum of 10 percent of any bill issue and must hold bills to maturity.

98.  Currently she holds a rating of GS14, which pays $65,473 to $85,112 a year, according to base officials.

99.  Despite extraordinary pressure _ 6,000 anti-abortion messages delivered to her office _ Collins held to her pro-choice view, one of only four Republicans to do so.

100.  Despite Farrakhan touting that he held the reins of black leadership, it was a false cry from a phony prophet.

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