1.  Many factors, including economic factors, political factors and historical ones, may have caused the changes.

2.  Yes, it is telecommuting, which has caused the revolutionary changes in many fields.

3.  So , what on earth have mainly caused this change?

4.  The second half of 20th century has witnessed the rapid development of information technology and computers, which has caused revolutionary changes in many fields, including working.

5.  Firstly, when we say something, we are conveying rich information such as our emotions and purposes to the people listening to us, thus causing some changes to the audience however subtle these changes are.

6.  Some special cases in psychology show that damage in certain area of brain may cause severe change of patients' emotion.

7.  There is no doubt that computers will cause a sweeping change to human society.

8.  It is as likely that people on Seville island never follow the traffic rules and by decreasing the rental of mopeds, it is easy to see the reduction in accidents involved in mopeds but people on Balmer island are exactly the opposite and the mopeds caused little accidents and limiting rental would cause little change in accident rate.

9.  More over, as globalization has created a major global systemic risk causing unpredicted changes in the eco-system, bio-medical technology and so on, sustainable development calls attention to both environmental and ethical nightmares.

10.  What caused the change in Mars' climate?

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