81.  Coca Cola and Pepsi reached almost every corner of the world; several Disney lands were built in different countries; we can see many foreigners in our own countries; a large number of transnational corporations appeared around the world, which boosted the economic development, promoted innovation, and allocated resources rationally in the world.

82.  Fortunately, a large number of students like me finally have passed the college entrance examination by means of hard work.

83.  I will have lots of time to develop my interests and enlarge the number of my friend.

84.  To be good at writing, you not only need to own a great number of vocabularies but also have a clear train of thought.

85.  At the same time, a great number of people are questioning these boundaries and trying to break them.

86.  A large number of people support it, insisting that online shopping is more convenient than traditional shopping, which attracts many busy citizens .

87.  When we were little children, we learned to speak without memorizing a large number of Chinese words.

88.  So, first of all, I want to read a number of literary works for the simple reason that I'm interested in literature.

89.  If you use context to figure out your words then this will give you a better understanding of the words and you will be encouraged by the number of times you correctly guess the meaning of a new word.

90.  When people are translating and memorizing a large number of words, they only get the meaning and character of the word.

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