61.  However, every coin has two sides.

62.  Recently, Clyde's son have flow to Texas to celebrate Clyde' birthday.

63.  So love had nothing with age.

64.  However, different people have different attitudes towards the contests.

65.  Wow, who have the time and courage!

66.  In addition, men and women have different body structures, an example of which is women's higher pitches.

67.  Less than six months after the wedding, Clyde had a bad foot throbbing.

68.  For instance, the poems written by ancient Chinese poet have very harmony rhymes and very beautiful artistic conception.

69.  In a word, the way of learning vocabulary by translating and memorizing long lists has many drawbacks, though it may seem popular and time-saving.

70.  There is no need and enough energy for most of the students , \

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