51.  I once imagined college is where students can be very free.

52.  Our life wouldn't be colorful as it is if the differences among groups and races were eliminated artificially.

53.  That's why after memorizing a word list industriously, one still cannot use the new words, but can only understand the words in a reading material.

54.  As is known to all, memorizing selected vocabulary for test will only help you pass the tests, and that's why they are called "vocabulary for test".

55.  The first issue to be addressed is whether reading English book is efficient.

56.  That's why some people spend several weeks in reading an English book to learn English rather than spend half or even a year to memorize a dictionary.

57.  Of course this measure is what we should take.

58.  Thus, we cannot only aim to pass the test, which is exactly what those students who translate and memorize long lists of test words to improve their vocabulary are doing.

59.  That's why we believe reading, listening as well as speaking are of the most significance and the base.

60.  When I was in high school, I had so many dreams about my college, so you can't guess how excited I was when I received the admission notice of Nanjing University.

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