21.  Most of us hold the opinion that it is women that should stay at home to raise their children and do all the housework.

22.  In addition, nowadays, no less man chooses to stay inside to take care of their family and their wives earn their living outside.

23.  We hold the common view that men take heavy work, and they can stay up late to finish their task.

24.  Conservatives believe it is ordained by God that women stay in the home and take care of the family.

25.  Many outstanding professors and researches stay in universities and devote themselves into creating and developing the knowledge.

26.  Why women are usually the one who stay in home to take care of their newborn baby?

27.  Different roles should be interpreted as the meaning that different people stay in the proper place.

28.  Men worked outside and earned money to support their families, while women stayed at home to do housework and take care of children.

29.  The great love and the yearn to stay with Gussie gave him power to pull through difficult times.

30.  Once I have free time, I will stay there.

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