21.  By joining in them, we can improve our competitiveness , improve our ability and enrich our experiences.

22.  Thirdly, I am always wishing a college life, and that's why I joined many communities.

23.  To all that narrated, since beginning all behave with a kind of tender feeling and well-meaning attitude after all for the story, having even joined poesy composition, this makes the story seem soft and have no injury.

24.  We can make many friends and improve our competence during joining in activities.

25.  Especially for those students who want to join the GRE exam.

26.  And we need all of you to join us to soar sales next year.

27.  I will join in some of them.

28.  We must try our best to make a good environment for our employees so that more and more talents can join us.

29.  We notice in our campus, people from Sinkiang province always gather together and seldom join other groups.

30.  Furthermore, it has one more feature that is people construct it to join their similar so that they could have sense of belonging and security.

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