11.  However, universities should try to improve their education ability to become "developmental universities" in order to catch up with the new steps of society.

12.  Take into consideration , I must catch the listening, speaking , reading and writing.

13.  As an old saying goes, early bird catches food.

14.  Many fishermen didn't believe this old man would catch abundant fish since he could not contend with the age.

15.  So, I think I couldn't miss the wonders and I should learn to catch any chance to not regret in the future.

16.  But nearly six months after their wedding, Clyde was caught with a terrible illness.

17.  During the fight of the old man and the fish, he came to mind that the experience when he sailed out with the boy, they met a pair of marlin fish, the female one was caught and killed, which made the male one extremely sad and crazy.

18.  The beautiful landscape caught Gussie on guard and they fell in love with each other which was the water to a parched soul.

19.  It didn't take long before Clyde caught a flight to Sacramento and on November 1 they got married .

20.  By catching the vision of the word lots of times, it takes root in our brain, in which way we understand it downright and deepen the relationships between it and ourselves with using it towards an appropriate direction.

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