1. Add it to the icing sugar, together with a few drops of yellow food colouring.
2. Just slightly tinge the frosting with yellow food coloring to give it a lemony look.
3. Colour half the fondant icing with yellow food colouring.
4. Colour three-quarters of the fondant with yellow food colouring.
5. Color the chicken with yellow food coloring, and use tuxedo colors for the lord.
6. Humanitarian aid groups have warned that children could mistake the bomblets for the yellow food packets dropped by US planes by the hundreds of thousands.
7. So now I tint the Spackle with yellow food coloring and never miss a crack, joint or ding that I want to fill.
8. Vitamin C, potassium and fiber can be found in yellow foods like bananas, peaches, mangoes and yellow peppers.
9. Some humanitarian aid groups have complained that the bright yellow food packets are the same color as unexploded cluster bombs.
10. Yellow foods also help strengthen nerves and ease digestion.