1.  How have families headed by women been affected by recent economic developments?

2.  Among single-parent households, those headed by fathers used computers far more than those headed by women.

3.  And the woman did head into an office building.

4.  And, sure enough, she spotted the red shirt and the woman headed toward a rusty, dented old car.

5.  As if on cue, women headed for the kitchen to serve the homemade food worshipers had prepared and delivered earlier.

6.  As the lanes split for people paying with cash or an E-Z Pass, the woman headed for cash and the man toward E-Z Pass.

7.  At Internet consulting firm iXL Enterprises, women head public relations and human resources.

8.  A fashionable cliche says that when women head toward middle age, television offers them better roles than the movies, but what have those heroines been offered?

9.  A large number of Cambodian families are headed by women whose only income may be from weaving or sewing items for these shops.

10.  After a two-day orientation, including seminars on leadership, the women will head out for four days in the North Carolina wilderness with Outward Bound guides.

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