1.  Unless the weather improves, we will have to cancel the game.

2.  All the roads are blocked - there is no hope of getting through to Whitby until the weather improves.

3.  He was anxious that the weather would not improve in time for the party.

4.  During the second session, the weather improved although we had a blizzard instead of the hail!

5.  When the weather improved, filming went ahead, with all mackintoshes put well out of sight.

6.  A particularly ferocious gust brought Leonora to her feet to roam about the room wishing passionately that the weather would improve.

7.  The weather will gradually improve and by early afternoon the sun will be shining practically everywhere.

8.  Scientists will now decide whether to try again if the weather improves or attempt to shepherd the whales out of Scapa Flow using a flotilla of ships.

9.  Fortunately now, though, the weather is improving.

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