1. For understandable reasons, Toyota wanted no part of the Fremont location and its history of intractable problems.
2. Often they have understandable reasons for acting in the way they did.
3. Arafat has understandable reasons for feeling stressed these days.
4. At the same time, there could be some understandable reasons for the lack of follow-through with you.
5. After all, what Iran lacks in the United States, for understandable reasons, is any constituency in Congress.
6. Evans is not giving interviews, for understandable reasons, feeling that he needs some peace and quiet to finish.
7. For understandable reasons, our leaders are not making it.
8. I think the experience of each of the member countries is different, and there are very understandable reasons why attitudes in Britain would be different.
9. In so many ways, and for understandable reasons, it had been unprepared to face such evil.
10. She then worked with two plant biotechnology companies but found she did not enjoy life in industry for an understandable reason.