1. The treatment was first tested in patients who received transplants of bone Marrow.
2. Acting on the advice of medical ethicists, the Penn scientists decided it was not proper to test the treatment on babies.
3. Alan Cross and Dan Lewis, who are small-animal veterinarians, have used the funding to test treatments of hip fractures on greyhounds.
4. Cancer is being emphasized also because risky treatments traditionally are tested on terminal illnesses, Sherwin said.
5. Clinton also proposed an initiative to let elderly Medicare patients participate in clinical trials testing experimental treatments for cancer.
6. Currently, Medicare rules are so ambiguous that some cancer patients are denied coverage for participating in clinical trials that test possible treatments.
7. Democrats say their bill is more explicit in guaranteeing patients access to emergency care, medical specialists, prescription drugs and clinical trials testing experimental treatments.
8. In the end, definitive answers will come only from studies that test treatments in the elderly.
9. In their article, the authors suggest the telomerase treatment could be tested in patients awaiting a liver transplant, since the liver was due for removal anyway.
10. Small said one reason researchers want a way to find the disease early is to test potential treatments.