1.  As technology improves, thereby making it possible to set a lower emission standard, new sources face increasingly more strict controls.

2.  But Clinton insists that new technologies will improve energy efficiency, enabling developing countries to continue economic growth without increasing emissions.

3.  Now that transplant technology has improved so much, is it not time to change the system for organ donation?

4.  Guide wire technology is continually improving.

5.  An industry representative said the technology improves constantly and price continues to decrease.

6.  And costs are dropping, as technology improves, competition increases and manufacturers such as Orange Plc and AirTouch International gain economies of scale.

7.  And the technology is rapidly improving.

8.  And the visuals are worthless until the technology improves.

9.  As a result, the economy becomes even more efficient as technology improves.

10.  As digital technology improves in quality and drops in price, everyone may eventually be able to create a compelling false version of reality.

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