1.  Besides its boat and crew, the Young America team is sharing its technology, including computer software, sailmaking innovations and boat gear.

2.  Because the game is being played at a baseball venue in Safeco Field, the teams will share the same sideline.

3.  After the Chinese rocket exploded, a Hughes team shared information about the cause with the Chinese.

4.  But as Martin and Roush Racing crew chief Steve Hmiel advised, real-time lap times only will become evident at TIR when Cup teams share the facility for testing.

5.  But law professor Pugsley said the prosecution team could have shared the information through the conventional means known as discovery.

6.  But other WNBA teams share much of the staff with their NBA brothers.

7.  CART and Indy Racing League teams have been sharing PIR lately in test sessions.

8.  Griffey, however, said the whole team shares the burden.

9.  He believes teams should share their local TV revenue for games they play on the road.

10.  His team shares a shoe-company deal with Notre Dame, and burdens born in a distant past.

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