1.  Army tanks entered the main square of the city.

2.  And Israeli tanks reportedly entered Palestinian-controlled areas in the Gaza Strip.

3.  Early Thursday, witnesses said Israeli tanks also entered Ramallah near the compound of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, firing their machine guns.

4.  Early Tuesday, Palestinians reported that Israeli tanks had entered Gaza Airport, firing machine guns and damaging the runway.

5.  On the day Ahmed left for America, Israeli tanks entered Dayr al Balah.

6.  On Tuesday Israeli tanks entered the West Bank city of Jenin after a Palestinian man boarded a crowded bus in Jerusalem and detonated a nail-studded explosive.

7.  The operation began two days ago, when tanks entered Bethlehem and took up positions around Dheisheh and elsewhere in the city.

8.  Palestinians said two Israeli tanks entered the Jelazoun refugee camp near Ramallah.

9.  According to the ethnic Albanian report, Serb tanks had entered one of the villages, Lapastica, a stronghold of the KLA.

10.  According to the report, Serb tanks had already entered one of the villages, Lapastica, a stronghold of the Kosovo Liberation Army.

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