1.  Talks focused on economic relations and reaffirming ties.

2.  The talks will focus on economic development of the region.

3.  Talks focused on relations between Yugoslavia and the EC and also on Yugoslavia becoming a full member of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development.

4.  The talks focused mainly on the Middle East peace process.

5.  As well as preparing for future constitutional negotiations these talks would focus on further measures to end political violence and to ensure free political activity throughout the country.

6.  The talks focused on presidential powers and the distribution of seats in a new transitional Cabinet.

7.  A day before the Final Four begins, talk focuses on those elite high school players who might never play in a college game.

8.  A thematic talk would focus less on Clinton and more on the State of the Union.

9.  After the game, talk focused on regrouping for New Jersey on Sunday.

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