1.  His light rail system would replace the high-occupancy vehicle lanes feeding into many cities.

2.  In the newsroom, the system replaced the quintuple copy books with their carbon paper and the ubiquitous spikes on which we impaled discarded paper.

3.  Predictions that onboard vehicle navigation systems will replace paper road maps in the next few years have been greatly exaggerated.

4.  She said the trading system could replace five separate enforcement programs that regulate emissions on a plant-by-plant basis.

5.  So electronic ignition systems replaced the distributor and eliminated the points-and-condenser tuneup.

6.  Some say that pay-as-you-throw systems should replace prevailing recycling programs across the board.

7.  Some communications experts believe that circuit-switch technology will eventually be replaced by systems that can perform more efficiently by breaking down communications into small pieces.

8.  Such a system replaces the more unwieldy one that afforded all member schools a vote on policy matters, and strengthens the authority of the most powerful sports schools.

9.  Such a system would replace the five-month old system in which programs are rated based on their suitability for different age groups.

10.  The chain-weighted system will officially replace the current fixed weight system in December.

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