1.  We need to take drastic steps to protect the environment.

2.  These entities can provide timely information to other users and take appropriate steps to protect the networks.

3.  They were all minors and Joseph was taking the normal step to protect their interests, for if Ann remarried the estate would pass to her new husband.

4.  Now a year on from the first rape, police are taking steps to protect women as the nights close in.

5.  Also, company officials must prove that they took steps to protect it.

6.  Although flight attendants often stand while the planes are flying, the airlines could take some steps to protect them, Ms. Leith said.

7.  And he felt confident that his company had taken steps to protect itself.

8.  Approved plans can relieve landowners of some onerous habitat safeguards in return for commitments to take other steps to protect threatened or endangered species.

9.  As soon as someone complains about discrimination, an employer has to take steps to protect the employee from retaliation.

10.  Authorities have taken undisclosed steps to protect Rosen, he added.

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