1.  Both sides accepted the ruling, which dealt with six pockets of mainland and three islands.

2.  At a Chinese Foreign Ministry news conference, spokesman Sun Yuxi was peppered with questions about which words the Chinese side would accept.

3.  Both sides accepted the plan but never worked out a time line or specific steps for putting it into action.

4.  Both sides have accepted the plan with reservations.

5.  Both sides now accept this as a reasonable next installment on a final settlement.

6.  Both sides accept this blueprint, but it could easily be botched in execution.

7.  Both sides have accepted Norway as the country that will be the intermediary to orchestrate talks.

8.  After three years of ups and downs, it appears both sides have accepted that their political fates are linked and that they must work together.

9.  But a bigger element of cooperation came when each side accepted proposals it knew meant life and death to the other side.

10.  But Health Systems said on Monday that there was no assurance that there could be an extension on terms that all sides would accept.

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