1.  A broken one can be replaced at a more convenient time.

2.  Selling state assets itself will bring little competition to over-centralised economies, if private monopolies replace state ones.

3.  There was even a church for the victims, dedicated to San Carlo Borromeo who had an earlier one replaced.

4.  The new bridge was erected as a temporary measure to replace the one which was destroyed by floods.

5.  Although a new lamp standard has been installed to replace the one that was damaged the old post has not been removed.

6.  Although almost no one expects such puzzles to replace man-made ones completely, computer-generated puzzles now account for an increasing share of those on the market.

7.  And glass walls replaced concrete ones to give nurses a better view into rooms with patients who need more frequent checking.

8.  A new pro-Kurdish political party emerged to replace the one to which Ms. Zana belonged, but it has fared no better.

9.  A man came the other day to measure for a door to replace the one that Rufus, the bird dog, has eaten over the years.

10.  A titanium leg that replaced the one he lost to diabetes often blisters his skin and confines him to the chair for months.

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