1.  At Gen. Douglas MacArthur Park on Staten Island, deteriorating equipment has been replaced, as have the rubber safety surfaces where grass had sprouted from cracks.

2.  BMW provides each customer with a list of fees that it will charge for damage, or to replace missing equipment like keys.

3.  Bond sales may also increase in industries such as steel and food processing once the need arises to replace old equipment, said a Daiwa official.

4.  - Fight efforts in Congress that would weaken clean air legislation by allowing industry to avoid installing costly pollution controls when replacing old equipment.

5.  Businesses tend to replace computer equipment every year and a half to three years, but schools hold onto equipment for three to five years and sometimes much longer.

6.  But it also shows growing optimism that Latin America will become a major arms market as its economies continue to grow and countries seek to replace outdated equipment.

7.  California already has such a law, and has given merchants time to replace aging equipment.

8.  Cohr cleans, repairs and replaces medical equipment at hospitals and clinics across the nation.

9.  Defense Secretary William J. Perry plans on eventually replacing older equipment using savings from base closings and streamlined Pentagon buying practices.

10.  Drummond said BellSouth had worked assiduously to reduce its costs by replacing aging equipment and shutting or consolidating service centers.

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