1.  From the pulpit Rev Paul Andrianatos pulls no punches.

2.  It also ended speculation that Cuomo might pull his punches in criticizing Clinton on the welfare issue.

3.  Nizan generally spoke his mind and refused to pull his punches.

4.  Pulling no punches, he asked Vincent what on earth had possessed him to behave so grotesquely.

5.  Rollins pulled no punches in his memoir, especially when writing about the political system.

6.  That is why the transport white paper pulled its punches and proposed more road-building.

7.  They never pull any punches the way happiness does.

8.  She has a reputation for getting at the guts of a subject and never pulling her punches.

9.  And movies are made by entertainment conglomerates, so a Hollywood attack on corporatism must pull its punches.

10.  And its visual depiction of the Middle Ages as a grubby, disease-ridden world pulls few punches.

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