1.  And there was no evidence to prove that charge.

2.  At trial, the prosecution must prove a charge beyond a reasonable doubt.

3.  A military court acts as a criminal court in most respects, including the need for prosecutors to prove any charge beyond a reasonable doubt.

4.  But for most of the remaining cases, Sidran said, prosecutors decided that it would be cumbersome to prove the charges.

5.  But some legal scholars think prosecutors would have an extremely hard time proving charges of perjury or obstruction of justice.

6.  But the most sensational charges were never proven.

7.  But Vajpayee offered no evidence to prove his charge.

8.  Columnists Jim and Ed Gogek say that if the charges are proven, Packwood must be punished but, perhaps more importantly, he also must be helped.

9.  Earlier this summer, a court ruled for Kirch, saying the charges were not proven.

10.  He could never prove his charges, and eventually conceded.

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