1.  A transport policy which advocates private cars is not a policy which protects the environment.

2.  Ask your local MP what he or she intends to do to help protect the environment.

3.  Environmental groups worry about whether the new agency will focus on protecting the environment or on attracting tourists.

4.  Ever tighter regulations are being introduced to protect the environment from emissions contributing to the greenhouse effect or acid rain.

5.  Goldsmith has very strong feelings about protecting the environment.

6.  Greenpeace is an international organization that protects the environment.

7.  Greenpeace is an international organization that works to protect the environment.

8.  Most tropical forest aid has gone to industrial forestry and has done little to aid the poor or protect the environment.

9.  Mr Holt is keen to find a practical solution to better protect the environment.

10.  Recycling is important to help protect our environment.

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