1.  Federal prosecutors charged that King pocketed that money.

2.  Last year, prosecutors charged him with obstruction of justice.

3.  The prosecutors charged eighty-five defendants, including forty-four law enforcement officers.

4.  Already, prosecutors have charged four urologists in the case.

5.  An acquaintance of Carruth admitted to shooting Adams, but prosecutors charged Carruth with felony murder.

6.  And federal prosecutors have charged that in the process, two of them, the Tunnel and the Limelight, became virtual markets for illegal drugs.

7.  Another official said the new approach would allow military prosecutors to charge some captives even without evidence from witnesses or documents that they committed war crimes.

8.  As he fled, prosecutors have charged, Schneiderman encountered Sanchez in a stairwell and exchanged gunfire with him.

9.  As the two gangsters were helping the FBI make cases against their Mafia competitors, prosecutors charge that they were killing at a frightening pace.

10.  At the same time, federal prosecutors charged Daiwa and several top bank officials with conspiring to cover-up the losses.

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